Luke Chapter - MOAA
The Luke Chapter MOAA is a chartered affiliate of the
Military Officers Association of America, Alexandria,  VA
Please click the DONATE button below to make a tax deductible donation using PayPal or a Credit Card.
If you desire, you can select the specific purpose for your donation.
We appreciate your support!

"IN MEMORIAM" donation: If you wish to dedicate your donation someone, please identify the person in the "Add a Note" dialog box on PayPal when you make your donation.

The  Community Fund
is a 501(c)(3) public charity and all contributions are
tax deductible

1) Assistance to Veterans
2) College Scholarships

CONTACT US: Webmaster
Purposes of the COMMUNITY Fund   BYLAWS

The COMMUNITY Fund is organized and operated as a public charity exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Subject to the foregoing, the specific purposes and objectives of the Corporation shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Receive, manage, administer and disburse funds to provide scholarships to attend educational institutions at the undergraduate or higher level, to:
(i) high-school seniors enrolled in the JROTC program, and
(II) children, grandchildren and siblings of active duty service members, veterans, retirees, and former members of all uniformed services and all ranks; and
(2) Receive, manage, administer and disburse funds for assistance to United States of America uniformed and military organizations, active duty military and uniformed service members, and former and retired uniformed and military veterans and their families who are in financial distress and in need.

Board of Directors - effective July 1, 2023

TREASURER - Mike Robinett
SECRETARY - Charles Kice
DIRECTORS - Mike Kramer, Steve Kunkle, Catherine Lassiter, Ron Walk,
Lou Tronzo, Beth Johnson, and Pam Wojtas.
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